Policy for Recreational and Outdoor Cooking Fires

  1. Only one and two family dwellings are eligible for recreational fire permits: mobile home 
    parks, apartment buildings with more than two (2) dwelling units, condominiums, or 
    businesses will not be granted permits. The permit will be issued to the property owner. 
    Owner is solely responsible for permit’s inspection scheduling and expiration date tracking. 
    All  fires must  be kindled in an approved  commercially  or  privately manufactured  outdoor 
    recreational  fire appliance such as a  fireplace,  fire pit, and fire pit  table or  fire pit ring. –
    OR‐  A hand dug fire pit must be at least one (1) foot below grade, no more than three (3) 
    feet in diameter and the outside edge shall be ringed with brick or rock.  Fires shall be no 
    closer than twenty (20) feet from any building, structure, shed, garage, tree, shrub, bush, 
    fence or any other combustible material.  Recreational fire appliances shall not be located 
    on wooden decks. 
  2. Only clean dry wood may be burned (i.e... sticks, twigs and the like), the diameter of which is 
    not greater  than  three  (3) inches at  the widest point.  No leaves, grass,  trash,  treated or 
    painted wood, rubber, plastic, textiles, leather or petroleum based materials and shall not 
    contain any combustible or flammable liquids. 
  3. Fires shall be so managed that fires do not exceed three (3) feet above the fireplace/fire pit, 
    and persons are able to stand within four (4) feet of the fire.
  4. Prevailing wind conditions shall be less than 10 miles per hour and shall not create a nuisance 
    for neighboring property owners. 
  5.  No  burning  shall  occur  if  the  forest  fire  danger  is  High,  Very  High  or  Extreme 
    (http://www.ct.gov/  Key Word – fire danger) of if a Smog Alert has been issued by the CT 
  6. Fires  are  permitted  between  the  hours  of  8:00  a.m.  and  midnight.  All  fires  must  be 
    completely extinguished by midnight. 
  7. Fires shall be attended at all times by at least one responsible person age eighteen (18) or 
    older.  A copy of the permit shall be accessible at all times the fire is burning. 
  8. Adequate  fire suppression equipment, such as shovels,  fire extinguishers or a garden hose 
    shall be accessible at all times the fire is burning. 
  9. Should a fire be determined a nuisance it shall be immediately extinguished. 
  10. House numbers shall be visible from the street at all times. 
  11. Recreational fire appliances shall not be moved once a permit has been issued.  

Note: A Recreational Burning Permit may be revoked by the Fire Marshal or his representative at 
any time due to unsafe operation, burning of prohibited material, or creating a smoke nuisance 
Questions regarding the recreational fire ordinance can be directed to the Fire Marshal's office 
at (203) 630‐4010 weekdays between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm or by Email. 
After‐hour complaints shall be directed to Fire Dispatch at 203‐235‐2535. 
Please be considerate of your neighbors whenever you burn!